
Photo: Free Concert featuring Army Bands

Press Release: Free Community Concert – 133rd Army Band – July 2

May 10, 2016 – Gesa Power House Theatre and the 133rd Washington Army National Guard present a a free community concert celebrating Independence Day at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 2. Two military ensembles will perform: The General’s 7 Dixie Band and the Patriot Brass Band.

The General’s 7 Dixie Band (G7) is a detachment of the 133rd Washington Army National Guard Band stationed at Camp Murray, WA. Since 2008 the G7 has been entertaining audiences throughout Washington State with their high energy, patriotic, personable, and engaging performances. From old Dixie standards to swinging arrangements of military marches, the music of the G7 offers a taste of New Orleans groove with a hint of Red, White, and Blue. Patriot Brass is a large brass ensemble that performs anything from Youngblood Brass band tunes to classical standards.

The 133rd Army Band is a diverse group of soldier-musicians. Members range in age from their late teens to mid-fifties and represent a wide cross section of the community.  Each member volunteers to put on the uniform one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year. Many soldiers in the band dedicate more hours of their time in uniform increasing morale for military units and strengthening relations within communities.

Admission at the door is free. Several food trucks will be on site beginning at 5 p.m. Beer, wine, and soft drinks will also be available for purchase.

More information about upcoming events can be found at

Season Sponsors

Foundry Vineyards
Pacific Power logo

Additional support provided by
Walla Walla County, Port of Walla Walla, City of Walla Walla, City of College Place

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