Video Blog: Conversation with Mark Anderson and Dennis Ledford
In this video blog, Mark Anderson and Dennis Ledford, two of the owners of Gesa Power House Theatre, discuss the future of the Power House. Current efforts to bring in more artists that have a certain fame or name recognition (i.e. Judy Collins, Paula Poundstone) have resulted in an increase in sold-out shows. With a seating capacity of 350 and three separate event spaces, the theater continues to attract rentals by local nonprofits for their event or fundraiser (i.e. Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival, Valley Residential Services), by local businesses for their corporate events (i.e. Celebrate Walla Walla Wine), and by individuals for their wedding or other celebration.
The Gesa Power House Theater building is currently privately owned, but a new Power House Theatre Walla Walla foundation is being formed with a goal of raising the funds to purchase the building and manage its continued use. The four current owners plan to donate their interests in the building to the nonprofit foundation at such point that it is debt-free and sustainable. This will fulfill their original goal of creating the Power House as an asset to the Walla Walla community.