On the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Gesa Power House Theatre proudly presents “Downwind,” a documentary narrated by Martin Sheen, featuring Lewis Black and lauded actor Micheal Douglas. Join us for this very special screening on Wednesday, August 9 at 7PM which will also included a Q&A session with one of the documentary’s writers, our very own Director of Film Programming Warren Etheredge.
Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Mercury, Nevada? The latter was the site for the testing of 928 large-scale nuclear weapons from 1951 to 1992. Martin Sheen narrates this harrowing exposé of the disregard for everyone living downwind.
Tickets ($15 Adults, $10 Students) are available online or by calling the box office at 509-529-6500.
If you want to purchase four or more titles in the Power House Movie series, save 10% by calling the box office at 509-529-6500. (This offer is not available online.)
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