Land Acknowledgement

The Gesa Power House Theatre is located on the traditional Cayuse (Weyíiletpuu), Umatilla (Imatalamłáma), and Walla Walla (Walúulapam) homelands. We pay our respect to these tribes and their people – from yesterday, as stewards of this land, and today, as partners and stewards with us. We commit to remember, honor, and uphold the heritage and history of these tribes and all Indigenous people.

Native American man playing a traditional flute

Pronunciation Guide

  • Cayuse – “kai·oos” or /kai-yus/. Also known as Weyi̓iletpuu.
  • Umatilla – “yoo·muh·ti·luh” or /juːməˈtɪlə/. Also known as Imatalamłáma.
  • Walla Walla – “waa·luh waa·luh” or /wɑːlə ˈwɑːlə/. Also known as Walawalałáma.


Our theater will use the land acknowledgment statement at the beginning of formal events or meetings (i.e. Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors) or as requested by performers or artists. The intention is to use the land acknowledgment to help orient guests, patrons, or visitors to our venue and to spotlight cultural education. 

A special thank you to Jeanine Gordon, enrolled CTUIR Tribal member (Cayuse, Walla Walla), descendent of four treaty signers at the Walla Walla Treaty Council (Elder Chief Joseph, Chief Peo Peo Mox Mox, A.D. Pambrun, and Mathew Dofa), Cayuse/Walla Walla/Nez Perce/Chippewa/Cree/French/Canadian/Scottish, who helped provide guidance and support during this process.

Season Sponsors

Foundry Vineyards
Pacific Power logo

Additional support provided by
Walla Walla County, Port of Walla Walla, City of Walla Walla, City of College Place

*Each Coldwell Banker Office is Independently Owned and Operated